Wednesday, November 29, 2006

im starting to feel again.

i just realised the other day that im starting to feel a bit more like myself after 3 months of not normally one to take meds, but in this case, i realy needed to do something..i have been a bump on a log for weeks now, but i feel as though i an seeing a light at the end of this still gonna be on meds for a few more months, but my body seems to be adjusting to them now....whew...i still look like ive been smoking pot all day...(dry red eyes) and i drink more water than a hippo, but there is nothing wrong with a super dose of high quality h2o everyday. i drove out to hartsville and stayed a while which is something i havent had the courage or the gumption to do in a while, and today im meeting up with a friend for even with the cold weather nipping at my heels, and 2 little pink pills everyday telling me i need to take a nap, im feeling like life is making a re-entrance...

thanksgiving was nice and peaceful this year....out to the farm for a taste of the country bumkinness that is the martin family, and then a drive out to dillon for a short visit at havens...poor lille has a had mean stomach virus over the holiday, and a resp. infection to boot...poor miss....she is doing much better now, and she is back to her normal crazyness....

and for jenny, i just got off the phone with you, and im lookign forward to ravioli, here is my you chicky mama...

ok, im off to have lunch with the biggest grinner in the world...



Jennie said...

Thank you for sharing your intimate thoughts with me. I loved lunch and think your are terrific...I am afraid that I am left post-lunch with an insatiable appetite for more Rebecca time again....Biggest Smiler in the World

bluemountainmama said...

hey becky! glad you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel! what are you taking medication for? i generally try to avoid it, too- but you've gotta do it sometimes!

rebecca said...

amy, im taking them for ibs....(irritable bowel) so i can stay out of the bathroom for more than 10 minutes..hahahaha..ive also changed my whole diet, getting proactive...but like i said, there is light at the end of the tunnel....hopefully no more than 6 more months of meds, then i can tapper and see how my intestines feel....the meds are more of a mental crutch right now....