Tuesday, December 26, 2006

just a little.....

its a cold tues. night here in flo town, nothing much going on...my family all tucked in our little drafty house, with the mice and the spiders....winter is saying hello to us all...
"christmas" is still lingering in the air....a little tree, lilli's little pieces of dry playdough stuck to the cofee table, and wedged in the weaves of the rug underneith it....hana is resting at my feet all curled in a nice little puppy ball....probably dreaming of barking (her favorite past time). rock and i have a movie to watch a little later about sand.
this week we have things to do around the home front...peices of rotten wood to fix, a pantry to finish, a fence to build, chlorophyl to wash off, dust bunnies to sweep, food to prepare, hugs to be had, kisses to trade, people to remember, friends to enjoy, and life in general to live to the fullest....well, we are still practicing the fine art of living...everyday a little more to understand about fullness, and emptyness....
i am looking at an itenerary for a trip to colorado come the begining of january....i am so very looking forward to meeting my dear friend sara (strong heart) for the first time in person....she has been such a great source of sweetness to me over the past year....so across the country i go to lock her hair up for her....and enjoy cups of tea, and stories, and smiles....

well, i will write more about all of this soon, now off to a sandy movie with my favorite person in the world.


Mr. Jenkins said...

happy christmas. merry new year.

Lauren said...

ok, this is lauren...and we first met on GCM, a couple of years ago now when i was living in VA...anyway, i totally missed your presence on GCM when you left....and by happenstance, i have found you again through walkslowlylivewildly AND natalia from asheville, who you apparently introduced to GCM. anywho- just wanted to say hello, and let you know that i've thought of you often since you disappeared from GCM, and would love to "reconnect"... peace of Christ, lauren